Bring FIA Training to Your Plant
Travel and
expenses can be cost prohibitive when sending multiple team members to training
programs. FIA also recognizes that each plant presents unique challenges. In
those cases, it may benefit you to arrange to host an FIA training at your
FIA designs
courses to meet the specific needs of your employees and operation. Your
organization can quickly realize a return on investment as employees are able
to leverage their training immediately.
Training from FIA's
experts can increase productivity, improve quality, and reduce scrap/rework.
For more
information on on-site training, please contact Gabby Schultz at or call 216-781-6260.
Speakers Bureau
in becoming a speaker or subject matter expert representing FIA?
Join our “FIA Speakers
Bureau” and be listed in our database of experts. Complete the following application and you will be contacted by the FIA training team.
Speaker Application